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Our Vision

The vision for GFMBC, as given by God, is that the church be a Bible-based church where the word of God is at our center and is the focus of our ministry.  
We must be a church where the center of fellowship is to bring glory to the name of God. Therefore, the church must work at a local level to impact every life that we encounter with the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  It must be the church’s goal to promote God’s plan for salvation.  Our aim must be to win souls for God’s kingdom, so that they become witnesses that would testify of His goodness and mercy.


We must be a church that teaches the believer to practice kingdom living that will promote the kingdom of God.  We must do this with our lifestyle, and words, as well as through our praise and worship.  This will help display our commitment to bringing glory and honor to the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
This Vision calls for the church to be the focal point of life for the congregation and community.  It is our responsibility to serve the total man. We must provide for man’s spiritual educational, social and recreational needs.  How then can we meet the needs of the congregation and community?

First of all, to meet the spiritual needs of the congregation and community we provide a place of worship where the spiritual man can be strengthened and equipped to handle the temptations that the world will put before them.  The church must prepare for and accommodate our growing population.  Biblical preaching, teaching and counseling should be available to all members.

Secondly, to meet the educational needs of the church we must provide educational programs for our children and adults that will prepare them for the rapidly changing world we must face.  The church should provide the congregation and community with early childhood through high school educational programs. Tutoring for elementary through high school age children should be provided as the need for preparing for standardized testing is becoming great.

Likewise, the church should provide adult education programs that will help the congregation and community advance themselves such as classes for their High School Diploma or GED, along with providing computer certification classes.  We can fulfill this goal by utilizing certified teachers from within our congregation.

This is just a partial listing of many things that I believe we can do with an educational center.
    Thirdly, we must meet man’s social needs. We must do this by providing:
1) A food bank for those less fortunate
2) A clothing bank also for those less fortunate
3) Counseling such as marriage and family should be provided
The church must also commit to providing our members with social service counselors who will act as liaisons for social agencies and shelters.

It is my  hope that the church would unite to do what our motto declares, to bring Glory to God’s name, by working to bring this vision and these goals to pass.  This we can achieve by keeping focused, and remaining committed to serving our congregation and community.



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