2601 Northwest 65th Street
Miami, Florida, 33147
(305) 693-4860
Rev. Howard Rose, Pastor

Welcome To The "City Of Glory"

Mission Statement
Our Mission Is To Encourage Humanity To Come To Christ, To Promote Gods Holy Spirit, And To Bring Glory To His Name By Embracing Our Community And Fellow Man Through Caring, Sharing, Service And Sacrifice.
Greater Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church
Information on our ministries and schedules

Tuesday/after 2nd Sunday - 6:00 pm
The Deacons support the Pastor in all of his endeavors to include; assisting in the ordinances of the church. Providing spiritual counsel and visitation to the sick, the shut-in, bereaved and elderly.
Deaconess & Min. Wives& Mothers
Wednesday after 2nd Sunday - 6:00 pm
The Deaconess support the pastor in all of his endeavors including; attending to the sick, shut-in, bereaved and seniors. The Deaconess provides biblical counsel and help especially to women spiritually and morally. Advise and disciple young women and guide them in all walks of life, by leading a Christian life of example. They also, assist with women candidates at baptism and prepare the Lord’s Table for Holy Communion and assist in serving.

Wednesday/after 1st & 3rd Sunday - 6:00pm
The Missions Outreach team is committed to letting our deeds and good works show the love that exists in GFMBC by reaching the community with the loving hands of Christ. We welcome you to join us in meeting the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of our community residents. Our ministry has partnered with various community organizations to provide opportunities for your involvement. No special skills or training is required! Bring your loving heart and willing spirit and observe the transformation you make and blessings you receive in helping others meet their daily challenges as you lighten their load.
To Find Out More or to Get Involved
Contact missionoutreach@gfmbc.org or fill out the Volunteer Form and email it to missionoutreach@gfmbc.org.

Mass Choir/Every Monday- 7:00 pm
Youth Choir/Saturday before 2nd & 3rd Sunday - 12:00 pm
Areas of the Music Ministry Department
The Worship Leaders
The worship leaders’ primary responsibility is to set the atmosphere of praise and worship. These individuals will assume a ministry role to lead the praise team singers to interact with the congregation in an effort to focus everyone’s attention solely on the Most High God. The goal of the worship leader is to usher in the Holy Spirit through the praise and worship service, and have Him remain with us throughout the remainder of the worship expereince.
Mass Choir
Combined Contemporary and Traditional Gospel Choir: Rehearsal date and times every Thursday at 7:00 p.m.
Youth Choir:
Rehearsal dates and times every 2nd and 4th Sunday after Youth Church Service. For more information contact.......
At GFMBC, we relentlessly pursue the Presence of God. We long to have an intimate worship experience with God revealing to us the Beauty of His Holiness. . As God's servants, we are here to lift your spirits and transform your life through the ministry of music.

Philosophy Behind GFMBC's Christian Education:
We develop a sound philosophy for Christian education based on the Word of God. A sound philosophical statement is not enough, however, to experience the transformation of lives. What is on paper must be put into practice for it to make a difference.
Staff Needed:
The Christian Education ministry of the church is not a one person job. It takes many people working at different levels and in different capacities. When working as a team, key leaders of the various areas will have a much greater effectiveness than if they focus only on themselves and their own areas of responsibility.
Levels On Which Spiritual Growth Happens:
Listening to a sermon in the corporate worship service is not enough to facilitate true growth. Discipleship also needs to be happening on the personal level, one-on-one with fellow believers, in small groups, and in mid-size groups. Each of these levels offers a different dynamic to the growth process.
Groupings In Which It Happens:
While breaking people into groups according to age, needs, interests, or abilities, we remain commited to keeping everyone lined up with body and life principles.

Saturday/before 2nd Sunday - 1:00 pm
Responsibilities include welcoming people into the sanctuary and for keeping and maintaining order in seating, and church behavior, during all services and programs. You'll know you've found a place where Christ is FIRST, FOREMOST and FAITHFUL at Greater Fellowship.